IndigeNIICHII Soles on Cedar 2021
Curatorial Statement
Waawaate Fobister
Kick & Push 2021
Kick & Push 2021,
I am thrilled to be back and proud to share the progress we have made for the Indigenous content at The Kick & Push Festival. Like anything that grows, it takes time, attention, care and effort for it to grow and without a doubt growing pains are part of the process. The pandemic made the process a lot more challenging. I am new at curatorial work and we are still in this pandemic, but we made a leap by receiving a small grant from the Canada Council for the Arts.
I am so pleased to share the program IndigeNIICHII Soles on Cedar (Island). This program will host two artists in a two-year cycle - an artist in Cycle 1 and the other in Cycle 2. The incoming artist hailing all the way from Kanai, Alberta, we are so pleased to announce Blackfoot artist Justin Manyfingers to take on their first cycle in our IndigeNIICHII Soles on Cedar (Island) program.
This year we get to witness a full completed cycle for IndigeNIICHII Soles on Cedar. We are honoured and proud to present stellar Indigenous dance artist Brian Solomon as he will present a digital live performance from Cedar Island (more details to come) as the main event in Cycle 2 comes to a close.
Please join us as we get acquainted with Justin Manyfingers and experience the performance and the work of Brian Solomon and Mariana Medellin-Meinke.
Yours Truly – Gi - Debwe,
Waawaate Fobister
Indigenous Curator
The Kick & Push Festival