Audience Code of Conduct
General Policies
The Kick and Push Festival is committed to creating and maintaining an environment in which each member is treated with respect and dignity, and is free from harassment and/or discrimination.
The Kick and Push Festival is implementing an agreement to address harassment and discrimination, and ensure that all people involved in the festival feel comfortable and safe when working in any capacity of the festival. The goal of this policy is to ensure that all staff, artists, volunteers, and community members understand that harassment and discrimination are unacceptable within the framework of The Kick and Push Festival.
Kindness and Inclusion
Any person participating in this playtest must abide by the standards of the Code of Conduct and cooperate in developing an environment in which harassment, bullying, and discrimination are not tolerated. Additionally, a high level of intoxication during any performances will not be tolerated.
Discrimination is understood as a form of unequal treatment, intentional or unintentional, based on individual grounds such as age, race, or gender identity (see list below).
Harassment is understood as unwanted physical or verbal behaviour that is offensive or humiliating. If a person does not explicitly object to unwelcome comments of actions, this behaviour can still be classified as harassment.
This Code of Conduct applies to every level of The Kick and Push Festival, and applies to events that occur at any festival site. This policy prohibits harassment and discrimination based on the following, or combination of the following:
Religious Beliefs
Sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression
Family or marital status
Mental, physical, developmental ability
Race, citizenship